The Forest Trust Strategies:

  • We protect the wildlife, scenic views and wide-open spaces that make the Southwest so beautiful.
  • We help landowners protect their forest and ranch lands.
  • We provide direct assistance to landowners and help identify workable solutions to conserve their land.
  • We work with people in rural communities to manage their forests and to find work in the woods.
  • We demonstrate ecologically-based management of forest and ranch lands.
  • We maintain public access to forest and trails. 

People in the Southwest have always had a close connection 
to the land and forests help define that cultural heritage.

The Forest Trust is experienced with:

LAND DONATION - A donation of conservation land is a wonderful way to share its beauty with future generations. 
The donation can even be set up in a way that allows you to continue to live on the land or to receive an income for life. 

CONSERVATION EASEMENTS - In a legal agreement between a landowner and a land trust, you give up some of the rights associated with the land. For example, you might give up the right to build additional structures, while retaining the right to practice forestry. An easement may apply to just a portion of the property, and need not require public access. Granting the easement can result in reduced income and estate taxes. 

BARGAIN SALE OF LAND - Selling land to the land trust at less that its fair market value can provide tax benefits to you.

The Forest Trust's mission is to protect private forest 
and range lands through conservation easements, 
land acquisition, and the application of 
environmentally sound management. 

Protecting working forests and lands adjacent to 
national forests are the program priorities.

our mission ... 
protecting our forest lands.
FOREST TRUST    P.O. Box 8309   Santa Fe, New Mexico  87504    505-995-0000 p   866-466-7091 f